For those who have previously appeared in IAS Mains Exam, the concept of surprises and unpredictability in the questions that come in the question paper is something that they are completely aware of. But, for those who are fresher and this is their very first attempt, it is important that you should know about the types of questions that you should expect in your IAS Mains Exams. There are a lot of types of questions that you will notice in the CSE exams and this great number is the cause of IAS Mains being the hardest exam in India.
So, today in this article we will discuss several types of questions and the strategy that you are supposed to follow while answering them. Thus, without wasting time any further, let’s jump right into it.
- Narrate: In these type of questions, you are supposed to narrate on whatever the topic of the question is about. This narration should be done in a particular manner where you are supposed to maintain the timeline of the events that you are including into your answer. This can be understood by a very simple pattern which is known as “Early-Late-Present”. This pattern means that you have to start your answers with the earliest event and then slowly progress to mid-period events and at last to the events that are almost present or present itself.
- Enumerate: These answers are relatively on the easier side, but the point comes down to one thing and one thing only which is whether or not you know the topic thoroughly. Now, in Enumerative answers, you are simply supposed to write down a list of dos and don’ts or it can be pros and cons. But, the point is that two lists are bound to be in the answer.
- Examine: These type of questions are usually quite tricky if you do not know the pattern of answering these questions. So, what you are supposed to do is to start your answer with a simple introduction which should be of nothing more than 2 to 3 lines. Now, in the next paragraph, you have to write in favour of the topic and which is to be followed by arguments against the topic. Both of these parts should be covered in 3 to 4 lines each. Now, you have to introduce the limitations of the topic which is to be followed by the conclusion of 3 to 4 lines wrapping all the above-mentioned topics as one.
- Comment: These answers should be loaded with a lot of optimism. Whenever an examiner is grading such type of answers, they look for the touch of excitement and zeal in the answer. So, whether you are talking in favour of the topic or in against of the topic, the constructive option and future-oriented approach should be there no matter what.
So, these are the most common question types that you will come across in your IAS Mains Exam. Thus, all you are required to do is to understand the manner in which you are supposed to present the answers.Well, For better preparation you can join ias foundation course for 1 year from top IAS coaching in Delhi. Few academy also offers the same course for 2 years and 3 years. The course offers a complete solution to Prelims, Mains and Interview. Join only upgraded foundation course for one year for a complete solution for all the three stages of Civil Services Examination viz.