Online shopping is now a days become part of our life, After demonetization the perception of people toward online shopping has been changed. We spend mostly of our income on online shopping, so have you ever got an idea about earn money from online stores, If you are thinking that I will tell you to invest some money then my friend you are wrong, I am telling you the way by which you can earn money from online stores like Flipkart, Amazon, Paytm or any other online store at zero investment. It’s not any scam, it’s the technique of marketing that people are using from many years and it’s not difficult, you can even earn if you are not aware about technical stuffs.
Earn Money From online stores
How To Earn Money From Online Stores like Flipkart, Amazon, PAYTM or any other online store. you need to have some platform in which you can publish the content of that website, Platform can be website, blog, Facebook page or even by sharing the link via whatsapp.
If you not aware about “How to make a blog” or “Facebook Page” then we will teach you in our next blog.
Now, lets take an example of Flipkart, suppose you have shared the link of flipkart product like shoes or mobile and then some one click on that link and then buy sfrom Flipkart then you will get commission on that purchase. As if that thing is of Rs 2000 and there is 10% commission on that product then you will get (10% of 2000 = Rs 200). This type of money making technique is known as Referral marketing.
Here Question arise “how to get the link“, Well it is very easy, you just have to signup as an affiliate in that particular online store. As for Flipkart, you can visit “” and signup.
After signup, you will get the links for every product.Now, I want to clear one thing, it is not mandatory that the person have to buy the same product that you have share, as if you share the link of “shoes” and that person buy “Mobile” then also you will get the commission.
Instead of sign up on every website, you can also Signup on a single website, which provides you the link of approx all major online stores. The website is “Cuelinks”
Just Sign Up in Cuelinks and explore the store on whcih you want to earn money.
below are the Dashboard preview of cuelink.

There are more than 1000 stores in the cuelinks so what are you waiting just starting earning money from online stores.
If you want to know more ways to earn money from online store or others ways without any investment then you can visit our article “How to Earn Money Online without Investment“.
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