Local inventory ads – Complete Overview


Google ads is the best platform to advertise in Google and it’s search partner websites, but still some products people may like to shop from offline store.

If we talk about clothing, shoes or any costly product then we also want to check it in our nearby store rather then just buy it from online. As per the report of “entrepreneur.com” people spend 64 percent of their shopping cash in stores, compared with 36 percent online.

In this scenario Advertiser also want to target those people, who are looking for offline purchases, Google to attract that advertiser and to target offline purchaser, Google had developed their “Local inventory ads”.

What are Local inventory ads?

Local inventory ads comes under shopping ads, In which advertiser can showcase their products and store information to nearby people searching on Google search engine.

When shoppers click your advertisement then they lands on a Google-hosted page for your store, known as local storefront. In local storefront shoppers can view in-store inventory, know about store hours, find directions, and more.

How do you Set-Up Google Local Inventory Ads?

As we already mentioned that Local inventory Ads comes under shopping Ads. So, to start this you will need to setup Merchant Center account first.

  • After setup Merchant center account, Sign in to your account.
  • Click Growth in the navigation menu.
  • Now, Click on Manage programs.
  • Click Get started on the local inventory ads program card.
  • Confirm qualifications are met before clicking Enable.
  • Click the plus button .
  • Choose the country where your physical stores are located.

Since, Local inventory ads fetch your store information from “Google My Business account” then before proceeding in campaign setup you also need to setup “Google My Business”. After this you can proceed on local inventory ads implementation.

Countries Eligible to use Google Local Inventory Ads (LIAs)?

Here below are the list of the countries which are eligible for Local inventory ads as of now, but advertiser are getting good result, so may be Google will launch LIA Ads in your country soon.

  • Australia,
  • Austria
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • UK

Prerequisites for using Google LIA

  • Must have at least one physical store in the target country
  • Must sell physical goods that can be purchased at no additional cost
  • Clients’ personal information must be protect


  • It indicates whether a nearby store have the items that you are searching for
  • Ads gather results from stores within a “X” miles radius
  • It’s always the nearest store that shows up first


Feed Attribute (Mandatory information)

  • Store code
  • Product ID
  • Quantity
  • Price

Feed Attribute (Optional information)

  • Selling price
  • Selling price on actual date
  • Availability
  • Restock date

Feed Attribute (Store information Optional)

  • Collection method
  • SLA pickup

How Google track LIA Offline store visits?

Google track offline location with the help of Store Visits. Which uses methods such as your latitude or longitude by the help of GPS and Wi-Fi signals to analyze their journey from ad to store.

Requirements to enable Google Store Visits:

  • You need more than 100k clicks monthly
  • Have more than one physical store
  • Have a high store visits rate i.e. Click/store visits
  • Your CTR must be high
  • At least 90% of store locations in your Google My Business account.
  • Active location extensions

These are the Local Inventory Ads complete overview, if you need more detail or assistance in Local inventory ads then you can mail us at advcoupons.com@gmail.com