Does Linking Pay to Performance Really Make Employees Loyal?


In our contemporary world, almost everyone needs to be in possession of a professional job or two to make ends meet. Issues such as rampant marketplace inflation, ever-increasing economic competition (between individuals & states), environmental degradation, as well as the high incumbent sociocultural stress levels that are attained in consequence, are all concerns that ensure that people nowadays always remain at pains to earn more cash. With a Spectrum Double Play plan, you can conduct further comprehensive research on this subject – to bring the picture of modern-day living into sharper relief.

Addressing the Concerns of the Human Worker (Employee)

Within the workplace, however, there are several purported factors (as they are surmised by economists and their specialized HR variants) that lay the foundation for good employee-organizational relations.

An individual human worker is not like a machine that can work non-stop with the application of little external administration, but is a being characterized by a complex emotional & psychological (and sociologically influenced/affective) framework that needs to be catered to adequately by the workplace authorities; so as to yield proper working habits and employee productivity.

The linkage of pay to performance (with larger monetary allotments made on account of greater working efficiency, and vice versa) is only one causative relation that needs to be addressed on this front.

On Organizational Provisions that Need to Be Dispensed

For professional and experienced employees, who bring both the attributes of qualitative/quantitative dexterity and proper conduct to their workstations, a greater semblance of managerial ‘cajoling’ is required as a prerequisite to retaining their services.

It can, however, be argued (with a great deal of supporting rationale and empirical evidence – of the everyday variety) that a good remuneration package does indeed comprise the primary consideration of any prospective worker weighing his/her interment into an organization’s fold.

Issues, particularly as they are analyzed against the backdrop of the current fiscal state of globalized affairs, such as:

  • Good working environments,
  • Friendly/accommodating supervisors,
  • Proper workplace infrastructural facilities,
  • Extra-salary benefits (health insurance, provident funds, recreational funds etc.),
  • Employee Recognition Amenities/Awards (for stellar services performance),
  • And Faster Work-Promotion Tracks etc.

Normally come about as only the secondary (albeit no-less-important) concerns of the bulk of virtually every commercial enterprise’s employees-base. Through a Spectrum Double Play subscription, you can come across many other similar pointers of worker-oriented ‘comfort’ parameters as they pertain to the contemporary office environment.

Maintaining the Right ‘Reward’ Balance

A worker who has been hired against a specific salary package will obviously react positively to any increments that may be bestowed on him/her on account of the duration of work and/or good performance dynamics, but the service metrics attained through such steady progression are bound to reach a saturation point in due time.

This occurs at the stage when an employee’s performance indicators stop to improve noticeably after the provision of a certain paid allowance package, and providing him/her with more monetary resources only provides more unilateral pressure on the organization’s core expense budget.

This trend has been observed time & again in many academic and workplace circles, leading several concerned theorists to speculate that the aforementioned saturation point is indicative of the stage when a particular worker is either unwilling or unable to make productive progress any further.

In the former case, in-person managerial meetings and HR-correspondences (following the carrot-and-stick approach) can sometimes bear results in organizations’ favor, while the latter issue (as is obvious) needs to be weighed against the company’s decision to retain the employee or not.

Setting Appropriate Policy Structures

Any effective workplace policy (that ensures that both employees and organizations are kept satisfied at all times) relies on monetary allowances that directly correlate with the minute figures of a worker’s performance; as it is evaluated against set criteria. Such a disbursement approach gives a positive feedback to the generalized (and collective) employee psyche – that better quality of work will directly correspond with better paychecks at the end of a stipulated period.

At the same time, a company should strive hard to make sure that employee confidence (on this standpoint) is always met and rewarded appropriately; otherwise the workers will lose any incentive to perform further.

Unprofessional Managers, and the Pay-Performance Linkage

Sometimes, it is observed that managers seem to be solely reliant on the awarding of pay (cash) bonuses to spur employee performance indicators in the positive direction. At the same time, these administrative officials continue to maintain a somewhat hostile (and psychologically regressive) workplace environment that imposes severe and undue pressure on the workers-base.

This treatment, in turn, leads to the negative accrual of resentments over time, which gradually impose uncomfortable impediments in the way of employee productivity. Such supervisory staff members are thereafter much more likely to lay all the blame for unmet performance objectives (and deteriorating team performance indicators) on the shoulders of their workers.

Such an uncongenial state of affairs (mediated through the workings of unprofessional managers) opens up the way for many workers choosing to leave an organization’s threshold, and seeking greener pastures elsewhere. When considered in retrospect, it is precisely these tendencies, and not only the consideration of reasonable pay packages, that causes employees to exhibit either loyalty or disloyalty to a particular workplace setting.

With a Spectrum Internet plan, that is attainable through the Spectrum Customer Service Number, you can go through a number of online resources that detail all the factors that lead to the gradual consolidation of cordial employee-workplace relations, and how these can be sustained over the long-haul.