KGF Chapter 2 Story, Release date of KGF Chapter 2 – 2021

KGF Chapter 2 Story Details Featured Image

Kolar Gold Fields (K.G.F.) is the blockbuster movie of 2018, staring rockstar Yash Srinidhi Shetty Ananth Nag Ramachandra Raju Achyuth Kumar and produced by Vijay Kiragandur. After watching the KGF chapter 1 most people curious regarding Story of KGF Chapter 2.

The budget of KGF movie is 80 crore and it’s box office earning is Rs 250 crore. KGF chapter 1 story revolve around the main character Yash, who plays a character of rocky in this movie and born on the day when gold was discovered in the Mysore region. In KGF chapter 1, Popular Journalist writes a book on Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) which gets banned by government. KGF basically means Kolar Gold Fields which is a mining region in  Kolar district, Karnataka, India.

KGF Chapter 2 Story

KGF Chapter 2 Story

KGF: Chapter 2 story begin where the KGF: Chapter 1 ended. The story of KGF chapter 1 includes rocky intentionally chose KGF site to assassinate the bigshot Garuda, which help him inspire an army of slaves and build his army. So, KGF chapter 2 story will start from Rocky take over the kGF and have an entire army of KGF slaves.

Also, In chapter 1 rocky promise his mother that he will become the richest man, In chapter he will fulfill the promise but most probably he will die at the end of the movie.

Definitely, we will see face Off between Adhira (Sanjay Dutt) and Rocky (Yash Srinidhi Shetty) which includes lots of Drama and political angle. There might be a chance that in chapter 2, Adhira is the father of Rocky. Also, one of the highlight of KGF chapter 2 is it’s teaser crossed 125 millions views on YouTube platform which was released on January 8th 2021. KGF Chapter 2 story focus on rocky  understanding of the changing dynamics between the politicians and gangsters in the gold business.

KGF Chapter 2 Release Date

KGF Chapter 2 Release Date

As per India today, KGF Chapter 2 will release on July 16th, 2021 (Friday). Also, Yash and KGF fan requested our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji to declare KGF: Chapter 2 release date as national holiday.

This is the KGF Chapter 2 Story probability, however for actual story we have wait till July 16th 2021. For more details, movie reviews or movie story, comment below or mail us at