5 most influential Interior Designers of India in 2019


We live in an era where people have become conscious of the reduce living space in India. This is why the career of Interior designer have become such a great career choice for a young generation. People are always looking out for Interior designers to renovate their household with the latest trendy designs and new furnishings.

Both the less space factor and being in trend play a great role in the increasing number of people entering into the field of Interior designing. But, unlike most of the people who think that being an Interior designer is an easy way to make money the reality is totally different.

The best way to get yourself face to face with the reality is by learning about those who are already in the Industry and have achieved a great name and reputation for themselves.

So, if you are also looking forward to building your career in the field of Interior designing then this article will help you to get a gist about the life and achievements of the veterans in the field.

  • Ambrish Arora: Ambrish entered started his career as an interior designer in 2003. With his skills and the passion to restore and decorate historical buildings and museums, he made a name for himself.
  • Since the start of his career, he has worked on a number of projects which include him working on retail, residential and even commercial projects. In 2015, we were awarded with the title of the leading Interior designer of India.
  • Sunita Kohli: Mrs. Sunita is one of the Veterans in the field of Interior designing and decoration. She started his career in the year 1971. She begins her journey by working in a furniture designing company. Later on, as she made progress in her career, she got top-tier projects like the restoration of Rashtrapati Bhawan and other big ones which both her career and her name known to everyone in the field. In her career, she has worked upon projects like architectural restoration, research-based designing and decoration, luxury structural renovation & designing and many more.

  • Rajiv Saini: If you are into interior designing and restoration of historic buildings then it is a great possibility that you already know Rajiv Saini. He has worked on projects like the Devigarh Hotel in Udaipur and The Marriott Hotel in Goa. His firm is known as one of the top 5 designing studios by a famous UK based magazine.

  • Sanjyt Syngh: The maestro of bespoke interior designs, Mr Sanjyt started his career at the time just before when the industry hit a great boom. Sanjyt has contributed a lot to the industry which is famous works. He is famous for his designs which are so realistic that they are known to construct a story. This is why he is known as the bespoke maestro of India. Sanjyt is the founder of Sanjyt Syngh studio which is located in New Delhi.

  • Shabnam Gupta: The founder of the Orange Lane studio, Shabnam Gupta is a well-known name in the India Interior designing Industry. She is famous for her incredible designs which are built using minimal space and material. He is known as one of the best interior designers of India who master the art of space and material management. She works on both residential and commercial projects and her works display the perfect blend of elegance and simplicity.

So, there you have it. These are the top 5 names in the Indian Interior designing Industry in 2019. All these people have reached this position with great hard work and skills. This is why it is important to know their journey.