Step to way Startup 2020


A great product is half the work, Advertising is the other half. If you want to get people’s attention and get a good reputation, you need a solid marketing strategy to get the word out.

Most likely, it will compete against established competitors of established competitors in your industry or other startups. This means that cutting out the noise will be a challenge.

The good news is that proper marketing can help you search your target audience, whether it’s B2B or B2C, and whether you’re offering a product or service. With a little effort and the right toolkit, you can grab users’ attention, present them to your brand and turn a social network follower into a customer. Here are nine ways to do just that.

  1. Show advertising

Graphic advertising may seem like an old technology, but it’s still strong and is probably experiencing a renaissance thanks to increased programmatic advertising. Now it is easier than ever to reach the right people with a message that resonates. And if you’re not using display advertising for message remarketing, you’re losing potential revenue.

When you start with graphic advertising, it’s a good idea to try your ads on different platforms such as Google, Facebook, Bing and LinkedIn. Personalize your messages and images on any platform and run variants of the same ads to discover what works best.


  1. Public relations campaign

Public relations can help all kinds of companies, but technology companies are particularly suited to public relations techniques because new technologies are a hot topic that people want to read about. Some startups can work with a professional public relations firm, which is usually the best option if you do not have internal experience, but there is still a lot to do if you just want the ball to advance. ,