Aspects to keep in mind while building SEO Friendly website


Search Engine Optimisation, an aspect which is one of the most crucial things that any and every web designer has to take special care of while designing a website. The reason behind this is that there are so many things that can go south if the website is not optimised in the right manner.

This is why it is always advised to take help from SEO Development Agency as they offer content and maintenance for the website projects in such a manner that it will help them to rank in the local 3 packs easily. So, if you are an SEO Expert, then these are some of the aspects that you should keep in your mind while creating an SEO friendly website for your client.

  • Catchy Domain Name Registration: Domain name is something that surpasses the importance of any other aspect when it comes to creating a website which is SEO friendly. The reason behind this is that it is something by which a website becomes famous. We can understand by looking into some real-life examples such as Google, Yahoo, and Facebook.

These are the names of the Domain and these are the ones with regards to which their websites are known too common people. So, unless you are about to invest a lot of money in purchasing a domain name or are going to take help from a web Development company, it is of the utmost importance that you should offer a lot of thought into the matter. There are some commonly found issues under this head which are divided under three categories, which are:

  1. Keyword stuffed in URL
  2. Hyphenated URL
  3. Too eerie and unique URL
  • Website design: The design of the website also has a significant role in the overall long term usage of the website. With this, we refer to the depth structure of the design which means top to bottom. So, following are some of the common problems that designers usually do not concentrate into in the beginning and thus end up with the lack of proper juice in between different levels and thus fail to appear on the pages with higher ranks:
    1. Title Tag, Meta and Image optimization: This might now look like a big factor but Meta and Titles play a big role in the persuasion of the audience. If the title and the Meta are not catchy and up to the mark then most of the audience will not click on the result let alone read the content. Similarly, if the page contains too many Images and Gifs, then the processing time will be extravagant and hence, a search engine will switch over to an easier to open result and will affect the rank.
    2. In-depth Keyword Research: Keywords are the essence of the content and also offer great help to search engines. Thus, it is better to do the research of Keyword beforehand as it will help the page to rank easily. For this, SEO content writing team can get some help from online tools like LSI Keyword etc.
  • Campaigning the Website: Just as companies invest a lot in the campaigns of their new products, the launch of their website can also gain a great deal with some high-level campaigning. The best part about campaigns is that not only it persuades the people who are in direct contact with the influence but also they promote it themselves too. Also, it is a great way to achieve a higher rank as per the SERP Algorithm. So, here are some of the things that can turn out to be effective campaigns:
    1. Linking the Directories: Nowadays, linking a new website into directories existing beforehand is a great way to initiate the campaigning process. All a designer has to do is to find some popular directories such as Yahoo! Directory and present all the information of the company’s website into it to get audience traffic from all sides of the world.
    2. Local Packs: Google, as well as other popular search engines, follow the pattern of Local Packs. These are the search results that appear at the very top of the results section. This is popular for local business outlets. So, if you too are an uprising business outlet and want some local popularity then it is for the best to push for the Local 3 packs.

So, these are all the basic aspects that will help a new as well as old website design to reach incredible heights with the help of some simple touch of SEO tricks.