What is Ideal Business? Everything You Need to Know About It

Everything You Need to Know About Ideal Business

Are successful traders or entrepreneurs born with this ability or can they be groomed?

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Can a person who has never done business become a successful businessman?

And can job experience benefit the business? We must keep all these things in mind.

A recently launched venture capitalist company has answered these questions. He sorted 350 out of about 10.5 lakh people and gave them a chance to start their own business.

Rachel Kullar, 38, who works for a company that makes business software, received an email in March.

Rachel was surprised because she had never done any business nor had any such plans in the future.

This email was sent by the team of Bloomberg Beta Company. The firm, with a capital of $ 750 million, was recently started by media and information group Bloomberg.

Bloomberg Beta has sent such an email to about 350 people.

Beta has adopted a unique method to create a list of 350 people who have the ability to do business and who will succeed in it.

Roy Baht of Bloomberg Beta explains that analytical data was collected to select prospective traders. The Mattermark company helped him in this.

Who is the ideal business?

“We first explored the group of people who started their own businesses,” says Daniel Morrill, co-founder of the Mattermark company.

Three criteria were set to select prospective traders. First, they have worked in a firm, second, they have studied in top universities, and third, they have experience in technology or business management.

Additionally, people who are not outside San Francisco or New York’s Bay Area.

Mattermark started collecting information about 10.5 lakh professionals associated with the technology venture in some form.

For this, they searched public information available on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

About 350 such people came out in the initial investigation.

Much interesting information came out in the investigation. It was found that most of them were over 30 years old and about one in four founders were over 40 years old.

Ryan Hoover Wondering whether to continue his business?

He also came to know that those who have worked for a long time, their chances of starting their own business were strong.

Spam or opportunity?

Once 350 potential entrepreneurs were identified, an email was sent to them. In that email it was explained why Bloomberg Beta wants to contact him and invite him to dinner.

Initially, most people considered the email to be spam. Few people have bothered to know further.

Rachel Kullar says, “I never thought of starting a company before that. Email made me think seriously.”

Ryan Hoover also took his email seriously. 27-year-old Ryan was already working for two firms.

His company Product Hunt recently completed two rounds of funding and currently has a business capital of $ 7 million.

Ryan and Rachel both believe that the Bloomberg Beta’s Milan banquet — which included hundreds of people receiving email as well as venture capitalists — and subsequent events have been of great use.

It is said that if you are going to start your own company then you will need good people.

This project, in which future entrepreneurs meet every few months, provides an important opportunity for networking and meeting qualified people who handle their projects.

Can flood also be a business opportunity for anyone?

In some areas of North India, it becomes difficult to move even one step without a boat during the floods.

The little boatmen of Kanpur do the work of making boats with flowers.

Local journalist Rohit Ghosh from Kanpur has tried to look into the life of the little boatman.

Little Kewat is working day and night to build a boat on the Sarsaiya Ghat situated on the banks of the Ganges in Kanpur.

“If I think of resting, how will the lives of those trapped in the floods be saved,” says the younger Kevat, who has seen 50 years of life.

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Nanhe Kewat’s family, along with a few more families, had settled at Sarsaiya Ghat in Kanpur two-three centuries ago.